Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Broken Keys

An article I've written, "Broken Keys" is posted over at It is a critique of the bound conscience doctrine.

1 comment:

  1. I greatly appreciate your thoughtful and perhaps somewhat disturbing article, as well as your comments on Lutherans Persisting and Lutheran Forum. Approaching the CWA actions from the standpoint of the Keys brings a fresh perspective where those from all sides seem to be repeating the same arguments.

    The questions you raise are valid. Your argument continues to show the folly of the misuse of ‘bound conscience’ as well as its unworkability.

    If you should find time, I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on dealing with the issues of sin, forgiveness and repentance as discussed in your article using relational language rather than behavioral.

    You may wish to also read "The Office of the Keys: On the Disappearance of Discipline in Protestant Modernity", David Yeago found in "The Marks of the Body of Christ" edited by Braaten/Jenson.

    Thank you for all of your efforts as we all continue to struggle with the actions of the assembly.

    Grace and Peace,

    Pr. Scott Holland
